Stay tuned for updated 2024-25 contest and award entry information.
Thanks to everyone who participated this year, Kiwanis International received amazing award entries from Aktion Clubs around the globe. The Aktion Club spirit shined through in each Single Service award submission and in the skills displayed by members through their writing, public speaking, drawing, designing, organizing and video making. Take a few minutes to view the 2023-24 Aktion Club award recipients and their award entries.
Award winners for the 2023-24 year were announced on this webpage, on social media and in the Aktion Club January 2025 e-newsletter. An email with electronic recognition items (including downloadable certificates, electronic badges, and social media graphics) from Kiwanis International was sent to advisors of clubs and members receiving awards and to their district administrators in December.
District administrators or sponsoring Kiwanis clubs can also recognize Aktion Club members and clubs in your district that participated in or won a Kiwanis International award. Host an awards ceremony at your district convention or send a letter and certificates to advisors using the following ready-to-print and fill-in certificates!
The district (or sponsoring Kiwanis club) can also create your own special or fun awards (like “outstanding event”, “best fundraiser”, “amazing mentor” or “outstanding teamwork”) to recognize advisors, officers, members and clubs for going above and beyond their responsibilities or for special accomplishments.
Review the updated 2024-25 Aktion Club Awards Guide, to be posted here in mid-February for guidelines and new contest themes.
Prepare to participate in 2024-25 awards – here’s how!
Step-up your Aktion Club’s presence online by creating a club YouTube or Vimeo account where Aktion Club award entries can be posted, viewed and shared. This is the first step in preparing videos for entry (and a great way to promote your Aktion Club).
Not sure how to create a club YouTube or Vimeo account? Check out these helpful instructional videos: How to start a YouTube account or How to start a free Vimeo account. If these videos don’t answer your questions visit YouTube and Vimeo for more information.
2024-25 award categories
Timeline and deadline for 2024-25 awards submissions
BY SEPTEMBER 15: All entries must be submitted using the online entry forms bySeptember 15, 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time on September 15.
BY NOVEMBER 2: Kiwanis International staff share information about a district’s award submissions with links to its entries with district administrators for district judging.
BY NOVEMBER 15: After reviewing entries, district administrators identify the district’s award winners.
BY DECEMBER 15: Kiwanis International announces awards through emails and the Aktion Club website.
To submit a non-digital scrapbook, the Aktion Club must (a) complete the online award submission form by September 15 and (b) mail the scrapbook to the district administrator for judging – postmarked no later than September 15.
District administrators receiving hard copies of scrapbooks, must select a non-digital scrapbook winner for its district and mail the scrapbook to Kiwanis International for international judging by September 30 to: Aktion Club Contest Judging, Kiwanis International, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268
Check out past Aktion Club Award Recipients