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Aktion Club Homecoming Campaign

As the 2021-22 school begins, we’re excited to welcome current, past and new members to Aktion Club. The Homecoming campaign provides tools to jumpstart clubs that were paused last year and to help all clubs recruit new members. Plan a Homecoming Week! You will find a guide on how to celebrate Homecoming Week below. Make a bigger impact in your community this year with more members!

Check out these recruitment resources!

Homecoming Week 

Any week (Monday – Friday)

Make any week Homecoming Week and build your club. During this week plan fun activities and invite future members to learn more about Aktion Club. We recommend hosting a welcoming event at the end of the week that doubles as a service project to give potential members a glimpse of what Aktion Club is all about.

Check out the event promotion guide for ideas on how to promote your event. While many of these resources can help you plan larger events, it also includes ideas you can use for Homecoming Week.


Make a list of past members and friends who might enjoy Aktion Club. Doing this as a club activity may spur ideas on who to invite to your service project at the end of the week.

Decide on a service project to host on Friday and begin planning.


Now that you have your list of names, it’s time to create eye-catching materials to invite them to Aktion Club. Use recruitment flyers to welcome prospective members to your event on Friday. Once you’re done, send your invites!

Assign members to be in charge of the various tasks for a successful event on Friday.


Follow up with the potential members you invited. Answer any questions they have about Aktion Club and highlight your favorite moments. Make sure they know you want to see them on Friday!

Continue to plan your service project event.


Remind interested individuals of the event details and let them know how excited you are to see them tomorrow.

Put final touches on your event.


Execute your service project. When the individuals you invited arrive, be sure to thank them and make them feel welcome. Introduce them to other Aktion Club members so they feel a sense of belonging to your club.

After Homecoming Week

Be sure to reach out to the potential members who came to the event and invite them to join your club!

Back to service.