Aktion Clubs can benefit their members and their communities by connecting with other Kiwanis family clubs — and participating in service projects with them. Get started by getting to know other Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) and their clubs in your area. Our SLPs have members ranging from primary/elementary school through college. Here are some things to look for when reaching out: 

  • Kiwanis club connections. Find out whether your Kiwanis club also sponsors one or more of Kiwanis International’s other SLP clubs: K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club and Circle K International. If so, ask for an introduction to their advisors and begin a conversation so your clubs can get to know one another. Relationship-building is a first step toward helping one another on service initiatives or partnering on planning and carrying out service together. If your Kiwanis club doesn’t sponsor another Kiwanis SLP, look for service programs affiliated with primary/elementary schools, middle schools, secondary/high schools or colleges in your area. 
  • Shared interests. As you get to know another SLP club, discover what causes (hunger, elder care, animal welfare, etc.) the club cares about and the methods of service (hands-on, fundraising, donations or advocacy) each enjoys. Then choose a cause — and an approach that both clubs like and have experience doing.  
  • Simple projects. At the start of a partnership, consider activities that require less planning — such as community cleanup or beautification, creating and giving kindness-related artwork, collecting and sorting clothing donations or running a fundraising table for a cause at a grocery store or school event. When collaborating with younger students, it’s especially important to ensure a level of comfort for members in both clubs. Choose a service project with which they have experience and that considers everyone’s various abilities. 

Once your Aktion Club gets some experience serving with other clubs, don’t forget to celebrate your success. Share pictures of your project in your community and with local Kiwanis clubs. Spread the word about the Kiwanis family — and the service we do!