Looking for ways your club can help protect the environment and promote Earth-friendly causes? Check out these issues, ideas and places:
- Help endangered animals. Review this list of endangered species with the club. Organize an adopt-an-animal fundraiser (like a walk-a-thon or animal art sale) for the World Wildlife Fund, which works to protect these animals and their habitats.
- Help monarch butterflies: Watch this brief video with your club about the decline of monarch butterflies. Work with members of a local K-Kids, Builders Club or Key Club to plant a butterfly garden at a school, park or assisted living facility.
- Reduce energy use: Create posters that educate people about the ways to reduce their energy use at home, like turning off lights and lowering the thermostat. (Check out 16 ideas for poster subjects). Contact the local transportation office, police and fire departments, parks department and schools to find places such as bus stations and community centers to hang your posters.
- Reduce plastic waste: Buy reusable grocery bags and sell them to customers outside a grocery store. You can find bags on Amazon in different quantities (for example, 50 for US$25 or 200 for US$200). Have members create a flyer to include in the bags, with explanations of the impact of plastic bag waste on the environment.
- Recycle plastic waste: Educate your members about the importance of recycling plastic bottles. Check out this TED-Ed video on what really happens when you throw plastic away. Help members brainstorm and commit to ways they will recycle and reduce their use of plastic.